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Hello friends.

I’m alive over here. Still broken. Slightly less depressed over it.

Mostly bored out of my freaking mind.

Me talking to my ortho surgeon

Still on the human version of stall rest, although I’ve upgraded to light tack walks. (Aka I’m allowed to walk the dog and lift things less than 5lbs) My pain is 90% gone, although if I do too much during the day, I pay for it later.

I officially withdrew from Event Camp today, which sucks. In all though – the absolute earliest I could be cleared to even sit on a horse is the end of June. Now go jump around and ride competently two weeks later? It just didn’t seem to be the wisest choice. In true equestrian fashion, I thought about just ignoring medical advice and riding anyways… but came to my senses relatively quickly. I have one spine and I’m gonna need it to last like, another 70 years here. Permanent damage at 25 because I wanted to ride my horse a month early? Not really worth it.

So, that’s where we’re at. Hanging out in Indiana, waiting for spring to appear (…Bueller?) and trying not to die from boredom.

Goals Update: Q1

Update on my annual and Q1 goals? Here we are. Things are a little on pause due to that whole minor broken-back thing, but you know. I just now have a lot of free time… right?

Annual Goals 

  • Prioritize experiences over things
    • Money spent on lessons, clinics, learning and the occasional non-horse related things as opposed to money spent on another pair of breeches, a cute pair of shoes, etc.
    • Status: mostly good? Signed up for event camp, taking lessons, spending money on x-rays and MRIs… those are experiences, right? 
  • Fewer, better things
    • Yeah, I stole Cuyana‘s tagline, whatevs. Obviously I can’t live with one pair of socks, but do I really need (another) candle? How many jackets does the dog really need? This goes hand in hand with the next goal…
    • Status: I’m a B student? Definitely haven’t been shopping as much, but to say I haven’t had a few weak moments would be a lie.
  • Declutter life
    • More than likely, move 9 in 9 years is coming in the spring (locally, thank God). Despite this ridiculous number of moves, I still have a little bit of moving PTSD and too much stuff. I want to declutter all the stuff before I move it all… again. Notice all three of these are related.
    • Status: Doing well! I’ve been through about half of my life/house and the last half should be getting knocked out here before I move. 
  • Prioritize finances where they matter
    • Um, also relates to number 1. A lot. But more than that, I want to add more to my 401k this year, I want to pay more on my car, more on my student loans and add to my savings accounts. When it comes down to it, I need very few things at this point – food, gas, the regular living expenses. And yeah, it’s less fun to put money in a 401k than it is to see the UPS man deliver a package, but it’s also more responsible and now is the time to do it.
    • Status: Doing better. B+ student?


Quarter 1 Goals:

  • Ride even when it’s cold, don’t be a weenie amateur
    • I am a cold weather wimp. And while there are certainly times where it’s too cold to leave the house (ahem, -3), I also need to man up and utilize all the layers I own and the indoor arena. Even if it’s 20 minutes at the walk and trot without stirrups, or a bareback ride, it’s all going to help come spring.
    • Totally did this. Go me.
  • Do not buy any apparel, riding or otherwise, in the month of January.
    • Uh, self-explanatory
    • Status: One slip up and it was for work pants because I lost weight and none of mine fit? But then I gained it back and now they don’t fit, so idk what to say about this. So 90% accomplished?
  • Keep working without stirrups at least one ride a week
    • Status: Did this! Until you know… I stopped riding.
  • Eat real meals
    • Look, I’m not sure why I’m not allowed to subsist on quesadillas and popcorn, but apparently I’m not.
    • Status: HAHAHAHA
  • Move everyday 
    • Even if it’s just going up and down the stairs at work 7 times, I know this helps with the winter blues
    • Status: Minus some lazy Sundays and post-injury hurting, did this!
  • Read 20 books
    • 13 weeks, 20 books. Should be do-able if I prioritize books over bad television.
    • Status: Sucked at this. Read 5 books. Don’t worry, I now have LOTS of time to read.
  • Get a haircut
    • Status: Completed. Hallelujah.
  • Have Fin deshedded once monthly
    • Status: He hasn’t needed it monthly, but I’ve had it done. He’s about due again, but he also just cost me $500 with his little ICU stunt last week, so he’s gonna have to wait.
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