Still here, chugging along with broken back recovery 2018. It’s about as fun as it seems.
X-ray as of 5/15
The good news is the fracture has stabilized, meaning no more brace and all things holding steady, I should be cleared to ride and assume my regular life at my next appointment in June.
Halle-freaking-lujah, cause I’m officially going stir crazy. I moved into my new place last weekend, officially cutting my barn commute from an hour to 20 minutes (do you hear angels singing those are angels singing).
I think I’m officially changing “step on a crack, break your mother’s back” to “pick shitty distances and break your back idiot.” Catchy, right?
I leave you with “trying to drink a beer and pose with a JRT/Corgi” because it accurately sums up my life right now.